Degree/training: CPR certified and in training for EMT certification

Career Aspiration: I want to be a paramedic and have my full radiologic technician license.

Why did you choose your career path? I chose this career path because I have always enjoyed helping people, even when I was in pre-K. Over the years I have just recently found a huge passion for the medical field.

Where did you hear about a health career path and how did you enter this path? I originally heard about AMT through my high school and I took the course to get me started into the medical field. Then through the middle of last year, I heard about the radiology class in EMT. I took quick action in applying for radiology because there was only a limited number of students that could only get in.

What advice would you give those who are guiding students into health careers? You never know where the road might take you, so alway be open to try something new. Because you might enjoy it better in the long run. (Everything happens for a reason.)

Did you start to think about this career path in middle school? Honestly no, ever since kindergarten I wanted to be a teacher, then my freshman year I wanted to be an athletic trainer. So I reached out to the athletic trainer to see I could shadow her, and she said yes. I have been shadowing her for almost four years now. I originally took the EMT class to get me more experience with the medical field. At first I thought I wasn’t made out for EMT, but then it only took one clinical to make me realize that this is where I’m supposed to be. Then I had the opportunity to take a radiology just to see if I liked that, and I have enjoyed the class so far.

Describe any volunteer experiences that contributed to your decision to pursue training in a health career? I volunteered at different stations during my clinical hours for my class, and I currently am volunteering at Vinton First Aid Crew. During my time at the stations a lot of the members like to teach me new or past information.

What high school courses do you feel helped you? Courses at William Byrd and BCAT.

What courses do you wish you took to prepare you for current health career training? EMT and radiology.